Múm powraca do Polski!
Islandzka grupa odwiedzi nasz kraj w październiku i zagra trzy koncerty:
1.10 – Centrum Kultury ZAMEK, Poznań
2.10 – BASEN, Warszawa
3.10 – Alibi, Wrocław
Informacje o biletach wkrótce.
Múm planują wydanie nowego albumu jeszcze w tym roku. 24 maja ukaże się singiel TOOTHWHEELS (MorrMusic):
Jak podaje MORRMUSIC:
Electronic pop fruitcakes múm return with a new single, before coming up with a whole new album later in 2013. The A-side „Toothwheels” starts off with echoes of their millenium-era rhythms, which morph into shadows (reminiscent of their foggy masterpiece 'Summer Make Good’). Flourishing strings and teeming arpeggios elevate the track, that spins along in a cyclical motion before it is being washed away in a tide of abstraction. The lulling vocals disguise the songs fatalistic lyrics, evoking an eerie sense of immateriality. B-side’s tune „Cranes Like Ships” is again built around booming electronic beats and confused synthesizers, but it’s a much happier affair.
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