Sudden Weather Change and the new album

Sudden Weather Change comes from the capital city of Iceland and release only one LP until now. I don’t like to pin names of music style, which is explored by a band, but I must confess that gentlemen from Sudden Weather Change can remind me the old good rock with a fresh sight. From time to time it appeared mentions about recording a new material for the forth-coming album. I wanted to get more informations so I asked those, who know the most.

Úlfurinn: In 2010 you were awarded for the best new act, but it wasn’t really your first step in music market. How it happened that you became Sudden Weather Change?

Sudden Weather Change: We have been playing music since 2006. That’s when we met in college where we studied in the field of arts. We developed from an 11-piece noise group to five, but there’s just been the four of us now for about a year.

Úlfurinn: There are signs on the sky and the earth that you’ll release your next full-length album soon. Could you tell us something more about that? Do you follow similar music path like on the previous releases?

Sudden Weather Change: The earth always tells the truth when it comes to releasing albums. We’ve been working on our second LP, Sculpture, since last summer with artist/composer-team Þorbjörn G. Kolbrúnarsson and Ben Frost. Our music has been expanding a lot since the release of the last album with collaborations with other artists, and we are truly grateful of working with all these people who take us in and give us something and we give it back. The result is a 9 track LP coming out later this year, hopefully in a month or two. Music is completely different from the first album. The joy of playing is still there, but we like to look at music as something that can’t stop, even though it’s a time-based medium. It’s more like a round-shaped object rather than a certain time-line going from a to b… that’s where the album title comes from.

Úlfurinn: So if we’ll be able to listen to your brand new material soon, there’s also a larger possibility you’ll be touring. Any plans for 2012? Can we dream about your energetic gig somewhere in Poland?

Sudden Weather Change: Can you help us get there? We´d really like to get touring, but we lack the middlemen to help us get the music where we want it to be.

Úlfurinn: Since I know your music, I’ve wondered how big impact on you and your music taste have classic rock bands. So guys, tell us – what is Led Zeppelin for you? ;)

Sudden Weather Change: There is a delicate blend of classic rock and more contemporary things in the band. We love Led Zeppelin, they really had that real combination that bands need to be so they work. We don’t „know” how to play instruments, but we work with each other to build our frames and see the whole image, rather than having a „songwriter” or „front-man”. That’s what we’ve always been about, and we can’t function without one another, just like Led Zep… who could possibly fill in what John Bonham left behind? They made the right decision when he left the earth, rest in peace…

Thanks! We keep fingers crossed for success of their new album and hope Sudden Weather Change will visit Poland soon.


For more informations click here:
Sudden Weather Change official, on Facebook and on Gogoyoko.

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